The Energy Secretariat

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The Energy Secretariat

The purpose of The Energy Secretariat is to commercialise and upscale knowledge outputs from the RDI portfolio.

Coal C02-X Programme

The Coal CO2-X Programme demonstrates CO2 captured from the flue gas emitted from coal-fired power stations, along with green hydrogen produced from RE sources by way of the electrolysis of water, to green, clean burning 0% sulphur diesel. This is a RE carrier for local demand and developing global renewables trade. The programme seeks to reduce CO2 emissions, while honouring our National obligations under the Paris Agreement.

Energy Storage Programme

The Energy Storage Programme advances energy storage technology research. Lithium-ion battery development supports stationary and mobile applications. Lithium, nickel, and cobalt minerals can be supplied by neighbouring countries. Research focal areas include value-added precursor materials like lithium manganese oxide and lithium nickel manganese cobalt. Universities and science councils undertake computational modelling, precursor material development, cell manufacturing, and battery testing research. The research programme consortium comprises Universities and Science Councils alike.

Hydrogen South Africa (HySA) Programme

The Hydrogen South Africa (HySA) Programme originated from the National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies (HFCT) RDI strategy approved by cabinet in May 2007. The programme consortium comprises local Universities and Science Councils researching the beneficiation of Platinum Group Metal (PGM) resources. The research contributes actively towards energy security and RE. It further supports Government’s ambition to supply green hydrogen into Africa. It also exploits component manufacture throughout the HFCT value chain.

The rse Hub and Spokes Programme

The rse Hub and Spokes Programme advances research and technology innovation in the RE landscape, postgraduate skills development, and increases the knowledge base. It stimulates new science, technology, and innovation industries supporting Government policies and plans. The hub and spokes model involves administrative support at the hub, while computational modelling, photovoltaic, solar thermal, and wind technology research and demonstrations are undertaken by the hubs.